Invasion Game Wikia

The Unit Reserve Center houses reinforcements sent to you from fellow guild members. Upgrade it to increase the capacity of reinforcements your base can hold.

1- the Capacity of your Unit Reserve depend on the level as the follwing table:

Level Capacity
1 2,000
2 12,500
3 25,000
4 37,500
5 50,000
6 62,500
7 75,000
8 87,500
9 100,000
10 125,000
11 150,000
12 175,000
13 200,000
14 225,000
15 250,000
16 300,000
17 350,000
18 400,000
19 450,000
20 500,000
21 1,000,000
22 1,250,000

2- the requested to upgrade the Reserve Cente in the follwing table:

Level Requested Building Food Oil Energy Steel Orginal Time* Rewards
2 Energy Base Lv2
3 Energy Base Lv3
4 Energy Base Lv4
5 Energy Base Lv5
6 Energy Base Lv6
7 Energy Base Lv7
8 Energy Base Lv8
9 Energy Base Lv9
10 Energy Base Lv10
11 Energy Base Lv11
12 Energy Base Lv12 270,648 270,648 135,324 180,552 15:21:36

-Commander XP: 500

-Power: 2,430

13 Energy Base Lv13
14 Energy Base Lv14
15 Energy Base Lv15
16 Energy Base Lv16
17 Energy Base Lv17
18 Energy Base Lv18
19 Energy Base Lv19 4,624,277 4,624,277 2,312,144 3,084,398 5d 08:25:25

-Commander XP: 500

-Power: 31,994

20 Energy Base Lv20
21 Energy Base Lv21

- Orginal time is affected with your commander talent, research, Title and Guild research.